Amityville Teachers Association
The Union that Cares
MonthDateEvent- 2007-2008DayTimeLocation
August29New Member BreakfastWed8 amDist. Office
LCWed10amATA Office
30Back to School Student BashThurs4:30-6UNAYO
Sept.4General Membership Mtg.Tues7 amHS Aud.
7Welcome Back BBQ-Honoring Newly Tenured/Greet New MembersFri3pmAmityville Beach
10PAMES Back-to-SchoolMon7 pmPAMES
11Northwest Back-to-SchoolTues7pmNW
12BOE MeetingWed7 pmPAMES
13No SchoolThurs
14No SchoolFri
17Northeast Back-to-SchoolMon7 pmNE
19LC MeetingWed3:45 pmATA Office
19Middle School Back-to-SchoolWed7 pmEWMMS
27High School Back-to-SchoolThurs7 pmAMHS

Copyright 2007 Amityville Teachers Association